Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Sunday...

Today was a busyish day. We were just a "little" late to church.:) We had made this big meal, and were going to invite anybody over. Because my mom did not have to work her overnight shift like she usually does. So after church we invited a bounty of people over and nobody could come...except the Mckrackens! finally somebody came....and The Kings! We had a really nice day, and the little kids had a ball. I went on a few walks with their little cutie, Zane. He is ADORABLE! anyways...I better be getting to bed...TTYL!

by Tamra

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Zane IS a cutie! Of course, I'm a bit biased:)

Thank you for the birthday brownie - you are too sweet!:) Had a great time.